Interested in joining the team next year?

Craft Vendors read on

Are you a past or potential craft vendor for the New Jersey Folk Festival? We hope to return to our in-person event next year. There will be substantial changes to our application process, including an entirely online application portal. All future applications will be online, and all applicants will be juried. Even if you have been accepted in the past, please prepare to be re-juried. There will be consideration given to your previous participation at the festival. Finally, please note that we will be moving our application and jury process to earlier dates in the calendar. The application portal will open in September and will close in early November. Notifications will be sent in January. 


Future Applications will be judged on the following criteria. An applicant can qualify based on excellence in one or more of the following criteria:

  • Cultural / Ethnic / Heritage craft traditions: The craft represents a tradition based in a cultural or ethnic community and/or is a heritage craft with historical precedent. 
  • Distinctively New Jersey crafts and products: The craft highlights materials, concepts, or traditions unique to the state of New Jersey; The craft is made with New Jersey materials and/or by New Jersey artists.
  • Highly Skilled / handmade crafts: The craft is a handmade work of art and demonstrates a high level of skill.
  • Crafts Relevant to the festival theme: The craft is relevant to the particular festival theme for the year. In this case, handmade crafts demonstrative of a particular culture, ethnicity, or heritage tradition may be imported from a country featured in the theme, but rigorous standards will be upheld for vendors offering handmade materials and engaging in fair and just supply chains and relationships with makers and artists in the country of origin. Please contact us with questions. Additional application materials may be requested to evaluate vendors of international products.
  • Previous Participation in the festival: Vendors who have been accepted at the festival in the past will be given special consideration but will still be juried. Past participation does not guarantee acceptance.

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View our 2021 Craft Vendors